Way I'm rapping is different I'm that something thats missing some songs just make no sense Really gotta listen you'll maybe comprehend I'm not just story telling I'm writing down my sins I've done unforgivable thinngs
Once upon a time I used to live a lie, , I used to never try Now i got a family Ill kill to keep alive
Got no money I'm broke But in this life I'm rich My sexy wife and 3 kids
Buy a gold chain Eat a fat steak Make a hoe shake At thesuperl 8 e
Don't need no help I gets its done Kill ya goat Then have some fun
Get a new vibe Stay on the grind That's a pretty good State of mind
Riding all around Always burning sum Pulling out cash At the ATM
Way I'm rapping is different I'm that something thats missing some songs just make no sense Really gotta listen you'll maybe comprehend I'm not just story telling I'm writing down my sins I've done unforgivable thinngs
To some of those that I love Became a different person Was Addicted to drugs Couldn't handle my perscriptions
Smoke exotic Stay erotic I know you know me Cause bitch I'm bout it
convenient genius That's master piece old skool kids Like master p
got some smoke That'll make ya choke Ima helluva bloke With a Different flow
don't want the fame Or need a gang I need a bag I come to claim
You do it for all the likes I do it for piece of mind
If you Living a lie You need some real shit Don't be wondering why
Way I'm rapping is different I'm that something thats missing some songs just make no sense Really gotta listen you'll maybe comprehend I'm not just story telling I'm writing down my sins I've done unforgivable things
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